Bài 1: Write a C Program to store student data in a structure. The data should include student ID, name, course registered for, and year of joining. Write a function to display the details of students enrolled in a specified academic year. Write another function to locate and display the details of a student based on a specified student ID.
To do this,
a. Define the structure to store the student details.
b. Declare and initialize the structure with details of 10 students.
c. Set a loop to display a menu for the operations to be performed.
d. Accept the menu choice and invoke appropriate functions with the structure array as parameter.
e. In the function to display students for a year, accept the year. Set a loop to check each student’s enrollment year, and display if it matches. At the end, allow the user to specify another year.
In the function to locate student details, accept the student ID. Set a loop to check each student’s ID, and display if it matches. At the end, allow the user to specify another student ID.